Advanced Academic Services

Identification Process

The advanced academic program is a multi-faceted, instructional program designed to address the unique needs of AISD’s gifted students in kindergarten through 12th grade. Identification for students new-to-AISD takes place early in the fall semester. At mid-year, AISD screens all kindergarten and first grade students for gifted characteristics. All other students may be nominated for identification during the spring semester. Identified gifted students who participate in the advanced academics program will demonstrate skills in self-directed learning, thinking, research, and communication. Additionally, these students will work toward developing innovative products and performances that reflect individuality and creativity.


Teachers who provide instruction and services in the Advanced Academic programs meet the state teaching requirements and have obtained a minimum of 30 hours of staff development in gifted education as well as maintain 6-hour annual updates in advanced curriculum and instructional strategies.

The flexibility within the advanced academics program affords AISD’s schools an opportunity to design and support a campus-based program that can meet individual GT needs on a continual basis.

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