Standing (L-R): Superintendent Dr. John Kuhn, Rodney Goodman, Blair Schroeder, Dr. Taylor Tidmore
Seated (L-R): Billy Enriquez, Angie Wiley, Cindy Earles, Dr. Danny Wheat
Board of Trustees
The Abilene ISD Board of Trustees is comprised of seven board members who are elected by the general public to serve for overlapping terms of four years. AISD Board members are not compensated for their service on the board. Elections for board seats are conducted biennially. Once elections are finalized, the Board elects a president, vice-president, and secretary for one-year terms.
Major Functions of the Board of Trustees
To set goals and expectations for the school district.
To establish policy and governing principles.
To select the Superintendent of Schools.
To establish an annual budget and tax rate.
To evaluate the effectiveness with which the Superintendent and his staff are achieving the school district's goals and carrying out school board policies.
Board workshops are held on the first Thursday of the month at 5 p.m. Regular Board meetings are held the Monday following the Workshop at 4:30 p.m. Meetings begin with a closed session, with the public portion of the meeting beginning at approximately 6 p.m. All meetings are held at the One AISD Center administration building located at 241 Pine St.