Smart Snacks In School
The Student Nutrition Department participates in the USDA National School Lunch, Breakfast and Snack Programs. The USDA Healthy Hunger Free Kids Act of 2010, “Smart Snacks” provision, has established federal guidelines governing the nutritional content of all foods and beverages sold in schools regardless of the source during the school day. The term “source” would include, but is not limited to, principals, parent/student organizations, teachers, boosters/booster clubs, fundraisers, commercial restaurants, and the Student Nutrition Department. The USDA has defined the school day as beginning at 12:00 a.m. to 30 minutes after the last dismissal bell of the day for each school.
Healthy Snack Calculators
Is Your Snack a Smart Snack? Use the Smart Snacks Product Calculator to take the guesswork out of nutrition guidelines. Students in AISD are offered healthy breakfasts and lunch meals each day, where we have focused on offering more fresh fruits and vegetables through the National School Lunch and Breakfast Program. The Smart Snacks in School standards published by the USDA, ensure that all other snack foods and beverages available for sale to students in school are also nutritious.