In AISD, we believe that the foundation of student academic success is excellent attendance. We want to partner with all parents to ensure students attend regularly and to address any issues that may impact attendance.
Texas law requires students ages 6-19 to attend school each day that instruction is provided. This also applies to students who are younger than six and have previously been enrolled in 1st grade and to students younger than six who are voluntarily enrolled in pre-kindergarten or kindergarten.
Reporting Absences
It is the responsibility of the parent or guardian to contact the school each day when their student is absent.
The school will attempt to contact the parent/guardian to determine a reason for the absence when a family member has not contacted the campus attendance clerk.
Excessive Absences
Notices of excessive absences could come in the form of emails, physical letters, and/or phone calls. If a student misses more than 18 days in any class, that time is required to be made up in order to receive credit for the class.
A conference and attendance hearing will be scheduled with the student, parent/guardian, Student Attendance Officer, and a campus administrator, at which time an attendance plan will be developed.
Excused Absences
Religious Holy Days
Citizenship proceedings
Students in foster care
Military dependents
Required court appearances
Serving as an election clerk
Higher education visits
Healthcare and therapy appointments (Excused when a doctor's note is presented on the same day of the absence and the student is present for part of the school day)
Extenuating circumstances (see campus administration or attendance officer)