A group photo of students who participated in the Meet in the Middle event

For the first time since 2020, Mann Middle School hosted its Meet in the Middle basketball tournament, an event designed to bring students with special needs together for friendly competition and support from their school communities.

Led by April Obosky, Mann’s PALs teacher and a certified Special Olympics coach, the tournament gave students the opportunity to compete at their skill level, whether in 3-on-3 games or individual skills challenges, following Special Olympics parameters.

This year, students from Mann, Clack, and Madison middle schools, along with Anson ISD, participated in the event, while families and classmates filled the stands to cheer them on. Students filled the gym with encouragement and applause, celebrating each other’s achievements throughout the event.

“We went all out,” Obosky said. “Usually, local events don’t give out medals, but we raised funds to have these specially printed.”

After a long-running tradition was paused due to the pandemic, Obosky hopes this event is the first step toward rebuilding participation from neighboring districts in the future.

“My goal is that these new students and teachers see how meaningful this event is—to see the look on these athletes’ faces and how they feel about it,” she said.

The event was supported by students in the Leadworthy elective, a program in its second year at Mann as part of Capturing Kids’ Hearts. These students played an important role in the tournament’s success, helping facilitate games and build peer-to-peer connections.

For Obosky, seeing the event return was both rewarding and moving.

“I’m at a constant level of having a giant lump in my throat, trying not to cry,” she said. “It’s hard to put into words. It’s an experience.”

To view more photos from the Meet in the Middle tournament, click here.