Abilene ISD Board Recap March 6, 2025

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The Abilene ISD Board of Trustees held a combined workshop and meeting Thursday, March 6.

Superintendent’s Announcements | 02:45

During his announcements, Superintendent Dr. John Kuhn introduced a new episode of the Teaching Minute video series. The latest episode features Bowie Elementary School 5th grade math teacher Kendra Overstreet and her application of TEKS Readiness Standard Math 5.10.A. In her lesson, students build financial literacy by earning income, budgeting, and shopping in a mock economy with a bank and store.

The Teaching Minute video series highlights exemplary teaching of TEKS Readiness Standards on AISD campuses. 

Recognitions | 05:08

TMEA State Conference Invited Performing Ensemble
The Board of Trustees watched a video of the “Voice of Taylor Choir” as they prepared for their recent trip to the Texas Music Educators Association (TMEA) convention. The group was one of just four elementary choirs in Texas chosen to sing at TMEA this year, showcasing the 85-student choir as one of the state’s top programs. 

Click here to watch the video.

Read more about the Taylor choir’s journey to TMEA at this link.

All-State Band Qualifiers
Two high-school students were recognized for their selection to the prestigious All-State Band for the second consecutive year. Renee Barber, a junior at ATEMS, earned a spot on clarinet, while Tristan Tardiff, a senior at Cooper High School and Holland Medical, was selected for oboe. Each year, more than 70,000 students across Texas audition for the honor, with only 2.6 percent earning a seat. Their selection earned them a spot in a multi-day clinic under the direction of world-renowned clinicians. 

Region 14 Assistant Principal of the Year
Long Early Learning Center’s Nicole Churchill was recognized by the Board of Trustees for her recent selection as Region 14 Assistant Principal of the Year by the Texas Elementary Principals and Supervisors Association (TEPSA). The peer-based award recognizes assistant principals from the 20 TEPSA Regions across the state who demonstrate exceptional leadership in fostering a culture of excellence for students and teachers on their PK-8 campuses.

Read more about Nicole and her journey in education at this link.

Building Brighter Futures Update | 17:24

Associate Superintendent of Student Services Dr. Gustavo Villanueva provided the board with an update on the school choice process as part of the district’s strategic innovation project, Building Brighter Futures. 

Dr. Villanueva outlined the timeline and key strategies that guided the school choice process, following the announcement that Ortiz and Thomas Elementary schools will enter a sunset year in 2025-26. He shared detailed information about the district’s efforts to help families make informed decisions about their students’ school choice. To ensure a smooth transition, the district prioritized real-time data access for staff to inform strategic decision-making, as well as clear and personalized communication to keep families informed throughout the process.

Dr. Villanueva shared that every family who completed the school choice form was successfully placed at their first-choice school. 

Superintendent Dr. John Kuhn expressed his appreciation for the design and execution of the school choice process, highlighting its focus on customer service. 

“If we’re going to move Abilene ISD into the future, we have to serve the needs of our parents in this kind of thoughtful way where we internally say, ‘What do parents need? Let’s give them that,’” Dr. Kuhn said.

Action Items | 30:44

Social Media Litigation: The board voted to join over 200 school districts nationwide in a lawsuit against major technology and social media companies, as a result of the mental health crisis affecting youth. The lawsuit claims that the crisis has been exacerbated by irresponsible corporate decision-making – resulting in large expenses of time, personnel, and monetary resources from public schools to address the crisis.