Community Adopters

We are very fortunate at Bonham to have several community adopters.  We enjoy many special events and activities due to the contributions of these groups.

Prime Time class of Pioneer Drive Baptist Church

This group has taken up a collection for our students each year and has donated more than $60,000 to Bonham over the past few years. With these funds, we have paid for Christmas gifts, clothing, food, doctor visits, dentist visits and medicine when families had financial difficulty as well as purchased supplies and equipment for our school.

Additionally, for the past six years we have taken all of our students and staff to see The Polar Express at the Paramount Theater using funds provided by the Prime Timers. We appreciate all of the Prime Timers and Pioneer Drive Baptist Church for allowing us to create and maintain meaningful traditions for Bonham students.

Wyatt Electric Services

Wyatt Electric Services has recently been added to our list of adopters, (2022). They have provided shirts and supplies for our students, as well as showing support to our faculty and staff. We appreciate the encouragement we have received from them in the way of meals and treats throughout the year. 

Cub Scout Pack 271

Cub Scout Pack 271 has been a part of the Bonham community since it was established in 1955.  The Cub Scouts often meet in our cafeteria.  Each year, one of Pack 271’s service projects is to beautify the campus for the start of school.  For more information about joining Cub Scouts, contact Kevin Wellborn.