Cooper High School Junior ROTC director, retired Air Force Master Sgt. Ron Deos, and his cadets are no strangers to excellence. That certainly was validated again last month when the TX-704th USAF JROTC unit received an “Exceeds Standards” rating for the fifth straight year.
Cooper’s unit was inspected on Jan. 22 at Cooper and earned the highest rating given by the Department of the Air Force Air University inspection team.
In his letter to Cooper principal Lyndsey Williamson, AFJROTC Regional Director Steven Fousek wrote, “MSgt. Ronald F. Deos and Lt. Col. William C. Countess created a dynamic and supportive learning environment, and excellent community outreach. The instructors provided outstanding leadership in administering the cadet-centered citizenship program. The Cooper High School cadets performed exceptionally well and took great pride in leading and accomplishing their unit goals. The Cooper High School Air Force Junior ROTC citizenship program (makes) a positive impact on the cadets, school, and community.”
Deos said the unit received an “Exceeds Standards” rating in six of eight areas judged, a “Meets Standards” in one area, and a “Meets Standards with Discrepancies” in one other, a rating given solely because Cooper didn’t have the required number of 100 cadets enrolled on the program report submitted in October. That discrepancy put the program on “probation” to ensure Cooper returns to the required number of 100 cadets by next fall. It’s the first time Cooper’s program has been placed on probation.
A program on probation usually doesn’t achieve the “Exceeds Standards” rating and settles for the “Meets Standards” rating. Abilene High’s TX-081st JROTC unit received a “Meets Standards” rating on its inspection, which was Feb. 2 on its campus. However, the inspector has the authority to override the rating and upgrade a program to an overall “Exceeds Standards” if the overall program is deemed worthy. And in Cooper’s case, that’s what happened.
The inspector’s letter to Fousek praised the TX-704th, Deos, and district and school administrators, writing:
“The visit showcased an incredible cadet corps led by an outstanding cadet leadership and instructor team. The Unit Evaluation resulted in a Meet Standards (rating), which was upgraded to Exceeds Standards with 22 individual items exceeding expectations and only two discrepancies. The school’s support was outstanding across the board. The school district, administration, counselors, and staff are all enthusiastic supporters of the AFJROTC program. The superintendent emeritus (Dr. David Young) attended the meeting and supports the program. Mrs. (Lyndsey) Williamson, the principal, is focused on surpassing 100 cadets, and there is confidence that the unit will achieve viability next year.
The instructors, MSgt. Deos and Lt. Col. Countess … form a highly effective team. The cadets are one of the most impressive units I’ve observed. Unit pride and motivation were exceptionally high. The cadet leadership team takes leadership responsibility seriously, demonstrating active ownership of every unit program and activity. Section VI was rated exceeds overall, surpassing expectations in every item in the section. I anticipate that this unit will continue to excel in all aspects of the program, including future Exceeds Unit Evaluations, Outstanding Unit Awards, and Distinguished Unit Awards.”
That’s high praise for the unit, something Deos and his cadets take great pride in.
“I am extremely proud of this group of cadets,” Deos said. “They pour their heart and soul into this program, and to be recognized for their hard work is a testament to the proud tradition of the Cooper program.”