The Cooper High School Cougarettes have a busy couple of weeks coming up as they prepare to perform at Disneyland on Feb. 15. So, just for fun, they competed in the Showtime Competition Feb. 3 in Argyle and brought home a truckload of awards, including “Best of the Best”.
Best of the Best is awarded to the highest-scoring team in the competition, which included 10 other schools and dance studios. The Cougarettes also captured two Supreme Awards (highest score in the category), three Best In Category Awards, and one Judges Award.
Officers of the 48th Cougarette line – Carlie Vermillion, Karyme Melendez, Jazney McRae, Julissa Alsides, and Morgan Henderson – competed in the Officer Dance Division, entering three routines in different categories: jazz, power pom, and contemporary. Their scores earned that group a Judges Award, Best of the Best, Champions Circle, Sweepstakes, and Best In Category for each routine. Vermillion choreographed the jazz routine, while Marissa Neie choreographed the power pom routine.
The contemporary routine was choreographed by the officers of the 45th line and was re-invented by the five officers of the 48th line to honor their freshman-year officers.
“All their practice leading up to the competition was on their own time and after normal practice hours ended,” Cougarettes director Jennifer Sage said. “They all put in the hard work, and it paid off.”
Other winners from last Saturday’s competition are:
Duet Champions – Carlie Vermillion and Morgan Henderson
Duet (first division) – Savannah Rollins and Paisley Wade
Solo (10-12 grade division / first division) – Carlie Vermillion, Jazney McRae, Karyme Melendez, Annaleah Melchi, Eliza Friend, and Savannah Rollins
Solo (10-12 grade division / first runner-up) – Carlie Vermillion
Solo (freshman division / first division) – Paisley Wade and Eden Harrell
Solo (freshman division / second runner-up) – Paisley Wade