About Ortiz
It is always an exciting time at Ortiz Elementary! Our students and staff enjoy learning and make the most of each day. Creating an engaging environment and providing students with leadership opportunities fosters an environment that celebrates growth.
The diversity of our student and staff population is a beautiful collaboration of life. We have 15+ countries that are represented at Ortiz. Our students have unique opportunities to learn about different cultures and places from their classmates. This allows our students to learn and grow beyond the four walls of the classroom.
At Ortiz, we CELEBRATE and GROW through our…
Spanish Dual Language Program
High-Quality Instructional Practices
Growth Mindset and Goal Setting
All of these programs work together to prepare your child to reach his or her full potential as a true scholar.
It is a joy to see students LOVE learning and grow throughout the school year. Families and community are an essential part of our student’s success. As teachers and parents, we have a shared responsibility to prepare our students for the future. Ortiz Elementary teachers are the best and are ready to help your child grow!
Welcome to the Ortiz All-Stars!
Our Mission
Ortiz is a school that values and believes everyone belongs and is met with high achievable expectations that challenge and inspire each of us to be lifelong learners.
We Are:
Team Players
All In
We are All-Stars!
Bell Schedules
Regular elementary school days begin at 7:50 a.m. and end at 3:15 p.m.
On early release days, all elementary schools will dismiss at 1 p.m., and all secondary schools will dismiss at 1:30 p.m.