Abilene ISD Board Recap July 8, 2024
Abilene ISD logo on a solid color background
Abilene ISD Logo
Abilene ISD logo
photo of a wall inside the dallas holocaust and human rights musem outlining the universal declaration of human rights
high school teacher leslie swanson posing with local h-e-b representatives and being handed a giant check for $1,000
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three photos side by side of different high school students working on their art pieces
uil logo with the text gymnastics update
two high school students posing holding up their artwork
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texas high school coaches association members from the r.o.c.k program posing together smiling with their arms around each other
uil logo and text that says regional 6 east zone choir results
aisd logo and text that says impact award
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photo facing a student athlete running down a long jump runway
uil logo with the text band and orchestra
cooper cougars logo and ahs logo with a baseball and the text baseball preview and the aisd logo
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aisd insights banner