headshot of superintendent dr. david young with the banner message from the superintendent

Dear Abilene ISD Family,

I hope this letter finds each of you enjoying a great start to the school year in AISD! I want you to hear from me directly regarding an upcoming leadership transition. At the beginning of this week, I announced to our Board and district leadership team that I have made the decision to retire as the Superintendent of Schools for Abilene ISD at the conclusion of the 2023-24 school year. In January, I will transition into a superintendent emeritus role to enable our Board to appoint an interim leader and begin a careful and focused search for the next Abilene ISD superintendent.

I share this news with you from a place of deep appreciation for AISD coupled with excitement for the future. This school year represents my 29th in Texas public education and my 9th year as your superintendent. Serving the students and families of Abilene with you has been the most rewarding season of my life. Thank you, AISD Family, for blessing me and my family with your trust, collaboration, and friendship. 

It is also important for me to thank our Board of Trustees for honoring me with the privilege of leading the greatest school district in Texas. I am proud of all that our Team of Eight has accomplished for the benefit of AISD students, teachers, and staff. Most importantly, I am proud that we accomplished so much together as a peaceful and united team. There is more greatness on the horizon for AISD, and I am confident that our Board will shepherd our people into the future with excellence and grace.

Finally, I want to thank the community of families in Abilene for entrusting us with your children and for partnering with us so well on their educational journeys. Parents, there are few joys greater than being able to wake up each day as a champion for your kids. Thank you for giving AISD the opportunity to have a meaningful impact in the lives of your students.

I look forward to the good work left to be done together this fall. In retirement, my goal is to continue supporting each of you as you stand in the gap for our students. While my next steps are still being determined, I fully intend to remain an advocate for public schools in Abilene and across our state. Our community needs a strong Abilene ISD more than ever, and my promise to you is that I will always have your back as you seek to make a positive difference in the lives of our students and families.

Never forget that the power of Abilene ISD lies in its people. I am grateful to enter this next phase of my life with absolute confidence that you will continue the crucial work of equipping Abilene’s learners for brighter futures. It has been my honor and privilege to serve our children with you.

With gratitude,

Dr. David Young, Ph.D.
Superintendent of Schools

PDF Retirement Letter