
Headshot of Madison Principal Joshua Newton

Hello! I am proud to be a product of Abilene schools, in particular Madison Middle School and Cooper High School. After a few years of coaching in Baird, I decided to return to my roots at Madison Middle School. I taught and coached at Madison for a few years before I was named Assistant Principal here. I then became the Instructional Specialist at Clack Middle School. Home keeps calling me back, though, and I am proud to once again be a Mighty Madison Bison!

We work to build a culture of respect at Madison every day. We feel that all students have the ability to learn when they treat themselves and their education with the respect they deserve.

Joshua Newton
Email Joshua Newton
(325) 692-5661 ext. 8740

Public education does not serve a public. It creates a public. And in creating the right kind of public, the schools contribute toward strengthening the spiritual basis of the American Creed. That is how Jefferson understood it, how Horace Mann understood it, how John Dewey understood it, and in fact, there is no other way to understand it.

Neil Postman  

   The End of Education: Redefining the Value of School